davehardy's albums
Basically I'm a space artist and writer, but I also love photography (In fact, back in the 80s I did all my own developing and printing, and became an ARPS -- Associate of the Royal Photographic Society!). But then the computer (Mac, of course) came along. . . I also love travel, especially to solar eclipses; and to the workshops held in various 'alien' places by the IAAA – hence the set of photos from Arizona. But for fantastic landscapes, Cappadocia in Turkey takes the prize! See my website: http://www.astroart.org (where you can buy prints or original art and other merchandise) and also my Facebook page. I also have many videos and art tutorials on YouTube – search for pythonspace.
I recently got a Pentax X5 Bridge Camera, which has a 26x optical zoom – pretty impressive! Take a look at the cat in my latest album, Cappadocia 2015.
Birmingham, UK
United Kingdom